Overview of Freeware/OpenSource Electromagnetic Field Solvers

Background and problem: Electromagnetic field solvers are used in research and industry to calculate and simulation field problems. There exists a wide range of commercial programs that often require a very expensive licence. Also some open-source projects exist, which have the goal to develop electromagnetic field solvers that can be used freely. Such solvers can be extremely useful but yet difficult to find, because such projects are often pushed by universities that don't have a large budget for promotion.

Task: Give an overview of open-source electromagnetic field solvers, that can be freely used. Describe each program in detail, including the name, the developer, the licence, the used mathematical solver and the indented operating system. Can the solver be used in the time and/or frequency domain? Is a graphical user interface available? Has the program some specific speciality? If possible, please also include some screenshots and a simple simulation example. The main objective of this work is literature analysis.

The same project can be done with numerical computing environments, computer algebra systems or circuit/network simulators.


Supervisor:  Dr. Ing. Mathias Magdowski

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