Overview of E-Learning Software for the Development of Interactive Learning Materials
Background and problem: In recent years, there is a growing trend to digitalize the learning material of lectures and of the corresponding exercises and seminars. Such materials can be easily copied in high quality and can be widely distributed via the internet. Lecture materials are very similar to books and can be saved in a quite static format. However, exercise sheets and tasks usually require are more interactive format. To develop such interactive learning material, a wide range of software programs are already available, as LearningApps, iSpring, Xerte or Qedoc.
Task: Give an overview of actual software for the development of interactive learning materials. Please describe each software in detail, including the name, the developer, the license, the used format and the indented operating system. Please also include an example of the implemenation of a usual enginnering exercise task. The main objective of this work is literature analysis.
Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Mathias Magdowski